学习英语固定搭配是一个系统性工程,需要从多个角度和层次进行学习和理解。以下是一些常见且实用的英语词组固定搭配的例子,涵盖不同主题和语境,有助于提升语言表达的准确性和地道性。请注意,这只是众多固定搭配中的一部分,学习英语固定搭配需要持续积累和实践。### 基础词汇搭配1. **动词 + 名词**: - Look forward to (期待) - Think of (想起) - Come across (遇到) - Speak of (提到) - Dream of (梦想)2. **形容词 + 名词**: - Happy holidays (快乐的假期) - Cold beer (冰啤酒) - Hot tea (热茶) - Fresh fruit (新鲜水果)### 动词短语搭配1. **动词 + 动词**: - Start off (出发) - Put down (放下) - Call off (取消) - Run away (逃跑) - Look up (查找)2. **动词 + 副词**: - Talk back (顶嘴) - Jump up (跳起) - Break down (崩溃) - Stand up (站起来) - Walk away (走开)### 表达情感的固定搭配1. **形容词 + to do something**: - Happy to help (乐于帮助) - Sad to see you go (看到你离开感到难过) - Surprised to hear that (听说那件事感到惊讶)2. **副词 + 动词**: - Carefully listen (仔细聆听) - Honestly admit (坦诚承认) - Generally believe (普遍相信) - Truly appreciate (衷心感激)### 商务与职业相关搭配1. **商务场合**: - Close a deal (达成协议) - Kick off a meeting (开始会议) - Open a new account (开设新账户) - Schedule a meeting (安排会议)2. **职业领域**: - Go into (进入) - Work on (处理) - Focus on (专注于) - Specialize in (专攻)### 学术与教育相关搭配1. **学习状态**: - Study hard (努力学习) - Keep learning (持续学习) - Improve skills (提高技能) - Expand knowledge (拓宽知识面)2. **教育目标**: - Aim for (旨在达到) - Strive for (努力追求) - Aspire to (追求) - Aim high (目标高远)### 生活与日常相关搭配1. **日常活动**: - Go shopping (购物) - Eat out (外出就餐) - Watch TV (看电视) - Read a book (读书)2. **情感与关系**: - Fall in love (坠入爱河) - Break up (分手) - Keep secrets (保守秘密) - Share experiences (分享经历)### 旅游与休闲相关搭配1. **旅行安排**: - Plan a trip (计划旅行) - Book a flight (预订机票) - Check in (办理入住) - Take a break (休息一下)2. **休闲活动**: - Go hiking (远足) - Have a picnic (野餐) - Relax at the beach (在海滩放松) - Watch the sunset (看日落)### 总结学习英语固定搭配是一个渐进的过程,需要通过阅读、听力、写作和口语练习来不断巩固。建议在实际语境中使用这些搭配,以加深理解和记忆。此外,利用词汇卡片、应用软件和在线资源来辅助学习也是不错的方法。
### **学英语固定搭配:部分例句与说明**#### **基础词汇搭配**1. **动词 + 名词** - **例句**:**Look forward to** (期待) | 明天有个派对,我很**look forward to** (期待) attending it. - **例句**:**Think of** (想起) | 我**think of** (想起) the beach every time I hear the ocean waves.2. **形容词 + 名词** - **例句**:**Happy holidays** (快乐的假期) | We all had a**happy holidays** (快乐的假期) last summer. - **例句**:**Cold beer** (冰啤酒) | After a long day, a**cold beer** (冰啤酒) is just what I need.#### **动词短语搭配**1. **动词 + 动词** - **例句**:**Start off** (出发) | We need to**start off** (出发) early if we want to catch the sunrise. - **例句**:**Put down** (放下) | Remember to**put down** (放下) your books after reading.2. **动词 + 副词** - **例句**:**Talk back** (顶嘴) | It's not polite to**talk back** (顶嘴) to your elders. - **例句**:**Jump up** (跳起) | She**jumped up** (跳起) excitedly when she heard she got the job.#### **表达情感的固定搭配**1. **形容词 + to do something** - **例句**:**Happy to help** (乐于帮助) | I'm always**happy to help** (乐于帮助) my friends. - **例句**:**Sad to see you go** (看到你离开感到难过) | It's**sad to see you go** (看到你离开感到难过).2. **副词 + 动词** - **例句**:**Carefully listen** (仔细聆听) | Please**carefully listen** (仔细聆听) to the instructions. - **例句**:**Honestly admit** (坦诚承认) | I**honestly admit** (坦诚承认) that I made a mistake.#### **商务与职业相关搭配**1. **商务场合** - **例句**:**Close a deal** (达成协议) | We need to**close a deal** (达成协议) with them this week. - **例句**:**Kick off a meeting** (开始会议) | Let's**kick off a meeting** (开始会议) with a brief introduction.2. **职业领域** - **例句**:**Go into** (进入) | She decided to**go into** (进入) finance after graduating. - **例句**:**Work on** (处理) | We need to**work on** (处理) the new project this week.#### **学术与教育相关搭配**1. **学习状态** - **例句**:**Study hard** (努力学习) | If you want to succeed, you need to**study hard** (努力学习). - **例句**:**Expand knowledge** (拓宽知识面) | Reading books is a great way to**expand knowledge** (拓宽知识面).2. **教育目标** - **例句**:**Aim high** (目标高远) | **Aim high** (目标高远) and you'll be surprised at what you can achieve.#### **生活与日常相关搭配**1. **日常活动** - **例句**:**Go shopping** (购物) | I love to**go shopping** (购物) on weekends. - **例句**:**Watch TV** (看电视) | After dinner, I usually**watch TV** (看电视) for a bit.2. **情感与关系** - **例句**:**Fall in love** (坠入爱河) | They**fell in love** (坠入爱河) the first time they met. - **例句**:**Share experiences** (分享经历) | We**share experiences** (分享经历) over dinner, learning a lot from each other.#### **旅游与休闲相关搭配**1. **旅行安排** - **例句**:**Plan a trip** (计划旅行) | Let's**plan a trip** (计划旅行) to Europe for the summer. - **例句**:**Take a break** (休息一下) | After the exam, we deserve a**break** (休息一下).2. **休闲活动** - **例句**:**Go hiking** (远足) | We're planning a**hiking** (远足) trip next month. - **例句**:**Watch the sunset** (看日落) | There's nothing like a**sunset** (看日落) to end a perfect day.这些例句旨在展示固定搭配在不同场景下的用法,帮助学习者在实际对话和写作中灵活运用,提升英语表达的准确性和地道性。