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泰 戈 尔 爱 情 名 言 英 文


日期: 2025-01-07 分类: 句子素材 人气: 0

1. "Love is the song which, once sung, cannot be unsung."
2. "There is no season in the heart like spring. One never knows when it will come."
3. "There is no friendship without trust. There is no love without the seed of trust. Trust is the foundation of love."
4. "Let your love be like a tree. Deep roots, soft leaves, and long shadows."
5. "True love starts not with a marriage proposal, but with a shared smile and a heartwarming laugh."
6. "Love knows not of yesterday. Love knows not of tomorrow. Love is all of today."
7. "In the garden of the world, love is the flower that never withers."
8. "If you love deeply, love forever. But let there be no impatience, no bitterness, no seeking of the immediate return of your love."
9. "Love is the song that never fades, even when the singer grows old."
10. "Love is not a feeling. It is an act of will, a deliberate act of the soul."

### 泰戈尔爱情名言及其应用示例
1. **"Love is the song which, once sung, cannot be unsung."**
- **用法**:表达爱的深刻烙印和持久性,即便时间流逝,那份感情依然存在。
- **示例**:简与杰克的初恋故事,从相遇的那一刻起,他们就意识到彼此在对方的生命中唱出了一首无法抹去的爱之歌。即使多年后他们分道扬镳,那份最初的热情和承诺仍旧在他们心中回响。
2. **"There is no season in the heart like spring. One never knows when it will come."**
- **用法**:强调爱情的不可预知性和其如同春日般的新鲜与活力。
- **示例**:对于艾米和亨利而言,他们的爱情就像是春天的突然来临,毫无预兆。在初遇的那一刻,他们就感受到了那种令人振奋的、充满希望与生机的氛围。
3. **"There is no friendship without trust. There is no love without the seed of trust. Trust is the foundation of love."**
- **用法**:强调信任在建立友谊与爱情中的核心作用。
- **示例**:马克与莉莉之间的友情建立在无条件的信任之上。这种信任不仅是他们共同经历的基石,也是他们爱情萌芽的土壤。
4. **"Let your love be like a tree. Deep roots, soft leaves, and long shadows."**
- **用法**:比喻爱是深厚、稳定且富有影响力的。
- **示例**:在他们的婚姻生活中,爱就像一棵大树,根深蒂固,给予他们庇护,其柔软的叶子象征着关爱与包容,而长长的阴影则代表了他们共同经历的时光,为彼此提供了避风港。
5. **"True love starts not with a marriage proposal, but with a shared smile and a heartwarming laugh."**
- **用法**:指出爱情的起点是双方的欢笑和默契,而非形式上的承诺。
- **示例**:马克斯与苏珊在第一次共享笑语和欢笑时,就已经感觉到彼此间那未言之爱的力量。这份感觉超越了形式,成为了他们爱情故事的起点。
6. **"Love knows not of yesterday. Love knows not of tomorrow. Love is all of today."**
- **用法**:强调爱的当下性,提醒人们珍惜每一刻。
- **示例**:汤姆和莉莉恩提醒自己,无论未来如何,他们都要活在当下,珍惜彼此。爱不是未来的承诺,也不是过去的回忆,而是每天都在创造的新故事。
7. **"In the garden of the world, love is the flower that never withers."**
- **用法**:比喻爱情如同世界花园中永不凋谢的花朵,永远美丽。
- **示例**:对杰西和约翰而言,他们的爱情就像一朵在四季变换中依然绽放的花,不论外界如何变化,它始终保持着它独特的美丽。
8. **"If you love deeply, love forever. But let there be no impatience, no bitterness, no seeking of the immediate return of your love."**
- **用法**:鼓励深爱而不急躁,不寻求立即的回报。
- **示例**:弗兰克和萨拉深知,真正的爱不应伴随着急躁、嫉妒或对回报的迫切期望。他们选择在相互支持和理解中,共同度过每一个日子,追求长远的幸福。
9. **"Love is the song that never fades, even when the singer grows old."**
- **用法**:描述爱情的持久与不变,即使岁月流逝。
- **示例**:玛丽和乔治的爱情故事如同一首永不褪色的歌曲,即使他们年岁渐长,歌曲的旋律仍然深深烙印在彼此的心中,成为他们生命中最宝贵的记忆。
10. **"Love is not a feeling. It is an act of will, a deliberate act of the soul."**
- **用法**:说明爱是一种选择,是心灵的决定。
- **示例**:亚历克斯和萨拉深知,爱不仅仅是心跳加速的感觉,而是一种决心和行动。他们每天都在通过行动展示对彼此的承诺和爱,无论是小事还是大事,都在共同努力维护这段关系。
