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毛 姆 名 言


日期: 2025-01-02 分类: 句子素材 人气: 0

1. "In the end, everyone will leave you. Even you. Life is a series of goodbyes."
2. "The world is a strange and wonderful place. It's full of magic, and it's also full of people who want to take advantage of you. So you have to be a little bit of a magician yourself, or at least be prepared to fight back."
3. "I believe that it is better to live for others than for yourself."
4. "The way a man treats a waiter is a true test of his character."
5. "A man is never alone as long as he has books to talk to."
6. "We are all doomed, but we will still hope."
7. "We don't make friends by going out looking for them. We make friends by being friends."
8. "One of the advantages of old age is that you are not embarrassed by your appearance."
9. "Life is too short to be taken seriously."
10. "I can't think of anything more depressing than a person who has everything they want. They have no goals, no desires, and no reason to work hard."
11. "The world is so full of a number of things, the dull, the灰暗, the banal, that I am forbidden to be less than a painter."
12. "The secret of life is that it faces a future it can't foresee."

1. **"In the end, everyone will leave you. Even you. Life is a series of goodbyes."**
- **用法**:这句话通常用在探讨人际关系的脆弱性上,提醒人们珍惜与他人共度的时光,同时也准备接受分别的事实。
- **例子**:“当我年长的朋友逐渐离我而去时,这句话提醒我接受生命的无常,也更加珍视与他们的每一次相聚。”
2. **"The world is a strange and wonderful place. It's full of magic, and it's also full of people who want to take advantage of you."**
- **用法**:用于鼓励个体在复杂多变的世界上保持警惕与好奇,同时提醒他们识别并防范那些可能试图利用他们的人。
- **例子**:“在大城市的生活让我意识到,毛姆的这句话是真的。这个世界既神奇又险恶,我需要时刻准备着,既享受其美丽,又警惕其危险。”
3. **"I believe that it is better to live for others than for yourself."**
- **用法**:用以探讨自我牺牲与奉献的价值,鼓励人们关注他人的福祉。
- **例子**:“在新冠疫情中,无数医护人员选择离开家人,坚守在一线救治患者。他们用自己的行动诠释了毛姆的这句话,为他人的健康和安全做出了巨大贡献。”
4. **"The way a man treats a waiter is a true test of his character."**
- **用法**:这句话常用于讨论人品的细节反映,提醒我们注意日常行为的道德性。
- **例子**:“在餐厅,老板亲自服务顾客时,对服务员的尊重与友善,比任何豪言壮语都更能体现其真正的性格。”
5. **"A man is never alone as long as he has books to talk to."**
- **用法**:强调阅读作为情感陪伴的重要性,以及书籍为孤独个体提供心灵慰藉的能力。
- **例子**:“当我感到孤独时,总是喜欢与书对话,毛姆的这句话鼓励我,书籍是永不离弃的朋友。”
6. **"We don't make friends by going out looking for them. We make friends by being friends."**
- **用法**:强调通过真诚相处而非刻意寻找,自然形成友谊。
- **例子**:“参加志愿者活动时,我没有刻意去交朋友,但与他人的共同经历和相互帮助让我结识了许多真正的朋友。”
7. **"One of the advantages of old age is that you are not embarrassed by your appearance."**
- **用法**:幽默地谈论衰老过程中的自信,尤其是在不因外表而感到尴尬这一方面。
- **例子**:“我的祖母在90岁时依然自信地穿着亮片连衣裙去参加聚会,她的话语启发我,老去并不可怕,自信才是关键。”
8. **"Life is too short to be taken seriously."**
- **用法**:提醒人们不要过于严肃地对待生活,鼓励他们以更轻松、更乐观的态度去生活。
- **例子**:“在一次重大考试前,我提醒自己毛姆的这句话,让自己保持轻松,享受学习的过程。”
9. **"I can't think of anything more depressing than a person who has everything they want. They have no goals, no desires, and no reason to work hard."**
- **用法**:提醒人们欲望和追求对生活的重要性,强调没有目标和动力可能导致内心的空虚。
- **例子**:“我在工作选择时,考虑了毛姆的这句名言,避免选择那些没有个人成长和满足感的职业,而是寻找那些能够激发自己激情与动力的领域。”
10. **"The secret of life is that it faces a future it can't foresee."**
- **用法**:提醒人们接受生活中的不确定性,并鼓励对未来保持开放和乐观的态度。
- **例子**:“在面对职业转型的不确定时,我用毛姆的这句话来安慰自己,接受未知的挑战,相信生活会在正确的时间给予我们答案。”
