张爱玲是20世纪中国文学界的一位杰出女性作家,以深刻的情感描绘、细腻的人物刻画和独特的女性视角著称。她的一些作品确实触及人心,以下是从她的作品中提炼出的一些深入人心的句子,每个句子都富含情感和哲理:1. "出名要趁早,来得太晚的话,快乐也不那么痛快。要是你迟 decades to fall in love, it won't be as sweet."(成名要趁早,来得太晚的话,快乐也不会那么痛快。如果你迟 decades to fall in love, it won't be as sweet.)2. "甚至有些人,他活了一辈子,始终不知道怎样去爱。他们不懂得欣赏,不懂得观察,不懂得感受,不懂得思考,他们不懂得倾听,不懂得交谈,不懂得理解。"(And there are some who live their whole lives and never know how to love. They don't know how to appreciate, to observe, to feel, to think, to listen, to talk, to understand.)3. "我多么希望在我不在的时候,你也能快乐。我多么希望你能够幸福,而不仅仅是快乐。我希望你拥有自己的幸福,而不是为了取悦我。"(How I wish you could be happy even when I'm not around. How I wish you could be contented and not just happy. I wish you could have your own happiness, not just for my sake.)4. "在你想要得到一样东西的时候,得到的往往不是你想要的。得到的,是你曾经付出的。你付出的越多,得到的越多。"(What you want when you want something is usually not what you get. What you get is what you've put in. The more you put in, the more you get.)5. "每一段爱情都是独一无二的,却都同样痛苦。这就是爱情,它既美丽又残忍,我们总是在痛苦中寻找爱的真谛。"(Each love is unique, yet all painful in their own way. This is love, beautiful and cruel, always searching for the essence of love in pain.)6. "人生是一场漫长而又孤独的旅程,我们只能依靠自己。在那个孤独的世界里,我们总是在寻找可以依靠的人,然而,真正依靠的,只有我们自己。"(Life is a long and lonely journey, and we must rely on ourselves. In that solitary world, we always seek someone to rely on, yet the only one we can truly rely on is ourselves.)7. "人生就像一个巨大的迷宫,我们不停地寻找出口,却往往迷失在自己的内心深处。我们为了寻找真正的自我,而忘记了周围的世界,直到我们真正找到自己,才会发现,原来我们一直在寻找的,就在我们自己身上。”(Life is like a giant labyrinth, we keep looking for an exit, but often get lost in our own hearts. We search for our true selves, forgetting the world around us, until we truly find ourselves, only to realize that what we were looking for was within us all along.)8. "时间就像是一把无情的刀,它割破了我们的心,让我们不得不面对自己的真实。它让我们明白,只有珍惜现在,才能不后悔过去,把握未来。"(Time is like a cruel knife, it cuts our hearts, forcing us to face our truth. It makes us understand that the only way to not regret the past and control the future is to cherish the present.)9. "有些人,你注定要错过。他们是生命中的一瞬,只属于那一瞬间的光芒。他们教会了你许多,但最终,你还是得独自前行。"(Some people are destined to be missed. They are a moment in time, a fleeting light that belonged only to that moment. They taught you a lot, but eventually, you have to move on alone.)10. "爱情和婚姻并不是幸福的保证,它们只能带来某种程度的安宁。真正的幸福来自于内心的平静和满足,来自于对自己和他人的理解与接纳。"(Love and marriage are not guarantees of happiness; they only bring a certain peace. True happiness comes from inner calm and contentment, from understanding and accepting oneself and others.)
### 句子用法与例句#### 句子用法解析与例句1. **成名要趁早,来得太晚的话,快乐也不那么痛快。要是你迟 decades to fall in love, it won't be as sweet.** **用法解析**:这个句子反映了人生中的机会与时间的关系,强调了早期成就与满足感的联系。在中文中,它常用于提醒年轻人要抓住时机,追求梦想。 **例句**:在她二十岁初头就成为知名作家后,她说,自己的生活“出名要趁早”,因为那时的快乐是那么的“痛快”,而不是迟来几年后“不会那么甜”。2. **And there are some who live their whole lives and never know how to love. They don't know how to appreciate, to observe, to feel, to think, to listen, to talk, to understand.** **用法解析**:强调了情感和生活智慧的重要性,表达出对于那些无法学会如何去爱、欣赏、观察、感受、思考、倾听、交谈和理解的人的感慨。 **例句**:在大学校园里,有些学生看似活了一生,却从未真正学会去爱,他们常常对身边的美好视而不见,无法理解他人的情感和需求。3. **How I wish you could be happy even when I'm not around. How I wish you could be contented and not just happy. I wish you could have your own happiness, not just for my sake.** **用法解析**:表达了对别人的关心和希望,希望对方能在自己不在的时候也能快乐,追求自己的幸福,而不是为了取悦自己。 **例句**:每当看到妈妈为了自己的事忙碌时,她都感到心疼,不禁想对妈妈说:“妈,我希望你能在我不在的时候快乐,追求你自己的幸福,不只是为了我。”4. **What you want when you want something is usually not what you get. What you get is what you've put in. The more you put in, the more you get.** **用法解析**:这个句子强调了付出与收获之间的关系,说明了要想得到想要的东西,必须付出相应的努力。 **例句**:他一直渴望升职,但是真正获得成功后,他才发现,原来提升自己能力的付出,才是得到这份职位的关键。5. **Each love is unique, yet all painful in their own way. This is love, beautiful and cruel, we always search for the essence of love in pain.** **用法解析**:表达了爱情的复杂性和矛盾性,揭示了爱情的美好与痛苦同在的特性。 **例句**:尽管每段感情都是独一无二的,但痛苦的体验却是难以避免的。正因如此,人们总是在痛苦中寻找爱情的真谛。6. **Life is a long and lonely journey, and we must rely on ourselves. In that solitary world, we always seek someone to rely on, yet the only one we can truly rely on is ourselves.** **用法解析**:强调了独立与自我依赖的重要性,在人生的漫长旅程中,自我支持是最重要的。 **例句**:在寻找工作的路上,他意识到,生活虽孤单,但最终依靠的只有自己。他在失败与挫折中学会了自我鼓励与支持。7. **Life is like a giant labyrinth, we keep looking for an exit, but often get lost in our own hearts. We for our true selves, forgetting the world around us, until we truly find ourselves, only to realize that what we were looking for was within us all along.** **用法解析**:以迷宫为比喻,描述了人类对自我探索的旅程,以及在寻找自我时可能迷失在内心深处的体验。 **例句**:像在迷宫中寻找出口一样,她一直在探索自己的内心世界,试图了解真正的自我,却常常忘记了周围的世界。直到有一天,她意识到,真正的自我其实一直就在她的心中。8. **Time is like a cruel knife, it cuts our hearts, forcing us to face our truth. It makes us understand that the only way to not regret the past and control the future is to cherish the present.** **用法解析**:以时间比作一把“残酷的刀”,强调珍惜当下的重要性,因为时间无情,只能通过珍惜现在来避免过去的遗憾,掌握未来。 **例句**:每次回忆起过去的错误,她都感到时间如同一把无情的刀,切割着她的心。她明白了,唯有珍惜现在,才能避免后悔过去,把握未来。9. **Some people are destined to be missed. They are a moment in time, a fleeting light that belonged only to that moment. They taught you a lot, but eventually, you have to move on alone.** **用法解析**:描述了人生中那些短暂却深刻的影响,提醒人们面对那些注定要离开的人时的放手与成长。 **例句**:与好友的短暂相聚,她发现每个人都像是生命中的那一刻光芒,教会了她很多,但最终,她必须学会独立前行。10. **Love and marriage are not guarantees of happiness; they only bring a certain peace. True happiness comes from inner calm and satisfaction, from understanding and acceptance of oneself and others.** **用法解析**:明确指出爱情和婚姻并非幸福的保证,强调了内心的平静和满足、自我理解和接纳才是真正的幸福来源。 **例句**:他经常感叹,爱情和婚姻虽能带来一段时期内的安宁,但真正的幸福来自于内心的平静和满足,来自于对自己和他人的理解与接纳。