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日期: 2024-11-30 分类: 句子素材 人气: 0

1. The future looks promising.
2. There's a bright outlook for the future.
3. The future is full of potential.
4. It's all set for a rosy future.
5. The future seems promising.
6. The future is looking optimistic.
7. There's a good prospect for the future.
8. The future appears promising.
9. The future is looking sunny.
10. A promising future awaits.
11. The future is brimming with opportunities.
12. It's all set for a successful future.
13. The future is looking bright and exciting.
14. A hopeful future is on the horizon.
15. The future has much to offer.
16. The future is looking positive.
17. There's a promising future ahead.
18. A promising future beckons.
19. The future is promising indeed.
20. The future holds many possibilities.

### 用法解释与例句
1. **The future looks promising.** 这句话强调未来的前景看起来是好的或有希望的。适用于任何你对某种情况持乐观态度时。
**例句:** 尽管目前存在一些挑战,但科技行业的未来依然看起来非常有希望。
2. **There's a bright outlook for the future.** 这句话意味着未来有很好的前景或光明的前景。
**例句:** 随着疫苗的普及,公共卫生部门对于未来疫情的控制情况持乐观态度。
3. **The future is full of potential.** 强调未来的可能性是巨大的。
**例句:** 对于年轻创业者来说,数字化时代为他们的创新提供了无限的可能。
4. **It's all set for a rosy future.** 暗示事情已经准备好,未来将充满美好。
**例句:** 经过多年的规划和准备,这个城市的发展项目现在正处在推进一个光明未来的良好位置。
5. **The future seems promising.** 相当于“The future looks promising”,意味着前景看起来有希望。
**例句:** 科技巨头宣布他们正在研发的新产品时,专家们对此表示乐观,认为这将为公司带来光明的未来。
6. **The future is looking optimistic.** 强调未来的情况正在变得乐观。
**例句:** 随着全球经济逐步从疫情中复苏,许多经济学家预测未来几年的经济增长会更加乐观。
