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日期: 2024-10-11 分类: 句子素材 人气: 0

1. **患难见真情** - "In times of trouble, true friends show their colors."
2. **时间就是金钱** - "Time is money."
3. **细节决定成败** - "The details make the difference."
4. **知足常乐** - "Happiness is a state of mind, not a condition of life."
5. **生命在于运动** - "Action is life."
6. **先人一步** - "Get a head start."
7. **人生没有彩排** - "Life is not a dress rehearsal."
8. **知识就是力量** - "Knowledge is power."
9. **失败乃成功之母** - "Failure is the mother of success."
10. **读书破万卷,下笔如有神** - "Read a thousand books, write like a god."
11. **岁月不饶人** - "Time does not spare men."
12. **逆境出人才** - "Adversity produces wisdom."
13. **言出必行** - "Actions speak louder than words."
14. **不积跬步,无以至千里** - "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."
15. **细节决定成败** - "It's the details that make the difference."
16. **人无远虑,必有近忧** - "A man without foresight has an emergency at hand."
17. **勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为** - "Don't do evil, and don't be negligent of good, no matter how small."
18. **机会总是青睐有准备的人** - "Opportunities favor those who are prepared."
19. **吃一堑,长一智** - "Failure teaches better than success."
20. **金玉满堂,莫之能守** - "Treasure can't be guarded."

1. **患难见真情** - "In times of trouble, true friends show their colors."
- 例句:When the company faced financial difficulties, it was clear who our true friends were.
2. **时间就是金钱** - "Time is money."
- 例句:Since starting my own business, I've learned that time is indeed money, and it's crucial to manage it wisely.
3. **细节决定成败** - "The details make the difference."
- 例句:In my recent project, I paid close attention to every detail, which ultimately led to its successful completion.
4. **知足常乐** - "Happiness is a state of mind, not a condition of life."
- 例句:After losing her job, Sarah found joy in the small things, realizing happiness comes from within.
5. **生命在于运动** - "Action is life."
- 例句:Dr. Smith, a renowned health expert, believes that a life of inactivity is a life wasted.
6. **先人一步** - "Get a head start."
- 例句:To ensure success in her new job, Jane decided to start learning the company's software during her vacation.
7. **人生没有彩排** - "Life is not a dress rehearsal."
- 例句:With each passing day, I've come to understand that life isn't about planning every moment perfectly; it's about embracing each experience.
8. **知识就是力量** - "Knowledge is power."
- 例句:Through his relentless pursuit of knowledge, Alex was able to make groundbreaking discoveries in his field.
9. **失败乃成功之母** - "Failure is the mother of success."
- 例句:After numerous failed attempts, Sarah finally succeeded in publishing her first book, realizing that every failure was a step towards success.
10. **读书破万卷,下笔如有神** - "Read a thousand books, write like a god."
- 例句:To improve his writing skills, John made it a habit to read extensively, believing that the more he read, the better he would write.
11. **岁月不饶人** - "Time does not spare men."
- 例句:As I reflect on my past decisions, I realize that time is indeed relentless, and each moment that passes cannot be regained.
12. **逆境出人才** - "Adversity produces wisdom."
- 例句:Many of the world's greatest thinkers emerged from periods of hardship, proving that challenges can often lead to profound insights.
13. **言出必行** - "Actions speak louder than words."
- 例句:When he promised to complete the project on time, John proved his commitment by delivering ahead of schedule, making his words matter.
14. **不积跬步,无以至千里** - "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."
- 例句:To achieve her goal of running a marathon, Maria began by taking small steps, gradually increasing her training distance.
15. **细节决定成败** - "It's the details that make the difference."
- 例句:In her meticulous research, Dr. Lee emphasized the importance of attention to detail, noting that even minor discrepancies can significantly impact the results.
16. **人无远虑,必有近忧** - "A man without foresight has an emergency at hand."
- 例句:By planning for future contingencies, Sarah avoided last-minute stress, ensuring she was always prepared for any situation.
17. **勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为** - "Don't do evil, and don't be negligent of good, no matter how small."
- 例句:Inspired by this proverb, Emma started small acts of kindness, understanding that every good deed, no matter how small, can have a significant impact on others.
18. **机会总是青睐有准备的人** - "Opportunities favor those who are prepared."
- 例句:Upon landing a new job, Tom realized that his preparation, including his skills and networking, had opened doors to new opportunities.
19. **吃一堑,长一智** - "Failure teaches better than success."
- 例句:After failing a project, Lisa used the experience as a learning opportunity, understanding that failure is often a crucial step in the path to success.
20. **金玉满堂,莫之能守** - "Treasure can't be guarded."
- 例句:In reflecting on his life, the wise man realized that true happiness and fulfillment could not be locked away or guarded, as they were found in living each moment fully and appreciating life's simpler pleasures.
