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海 上 钢 琴 师 台 词 原 文


日期: 2024-10-04 分类: 句子素材 人气: 0

《海上钢琴师》(La Leggenda del Pianista Sull'Oceano)是一部由朱塞佩·托纳多雷执导的意大利电影,于1998年上映。以下是其中的一些经典台词,翻译为英文:
1. "There are people who, when they look at the sea, think of all the places they could go, not of the one they are on. I'm one of those people."
2. "Who are you, in short?"
3. "The sea is a vast library. It has been written in every language, all the books of mankind, from the beginning of time."
4. "Do you hear them? They're saying that the ship is going to be taken apart and sold. In a few days, it will be nothing more than a pile of scrap."
5. "You're a pianist. It's your gift, your soul. If you're in a music, you're not in a place. Your life is music. If you don't play music, you're dead."
6. "The ocean is a book. Each day a new page. We spend our lives trying to read it. Sometimes we find what we are looking for, sometimes we find something else."
7. "So you've decided to leave, eh? It's a curious decision, quite unlike you."
8. "Perhaps the sea is the only place where the human race can come together, for everyone is平等 facing the same force. Only the sea can bring us together."

### 经典台词用法解析与例子
1. **“There are people who, when they look at the sea, think of all the places they could go, not of the one they are on. I'm one of those people.”**
- **用法解析**:这句话以第一人称讲述,表达了一种渴望探索和对未知的向往。它强调了主角对于自由和远方的追求,甚至不惜在当前的地点上有所牺牲。
- **例子**:John, a seasoned traveler, often finds himself lost in thoughts of distant lands when gazing at the ocean, forgetting where he is. He admits, "I'm like those people who only see what lies beyond the horizon."
2. **“Who are you, in short?”**
- **用法解析**:这是一个简短的询问,用于揭开某人的身份或背景。它是一种直接而有力的方式,用来激发对话的深入。
- **例子**:Detective Lee, questioning a suspect, poses the question, "Who are you, in short? We've got a lot of questions and very little answers."
3. **“The sea is a vast library. It has been written in every language, all the books of mankind, from the beginning of time.”**
- **用法解析**:这句话运用了比喻,将大海比作图书馆,强调其作为知识和历史的承载者的角色。它强调了海洋作为文化和历史记录的重要性。
- **例子**:The old sailor, reflecting on his life at sea, muses, "The sea is a vast library, each wave a new page in the book of our world's history."
4. **“Do you hear them? They're saying that the ship is going to be taken apart and sold. In a few days, it will be nothing more than a pile of scrap.”**
- **用法解析**:这句台词表达了一种紧迫和不可逆的现实感,预示了即将发生的重要事件。它强调了时间的紧迫性和变化的不可避性。
- **例子**:The factory worker listens to the news on the radio, "Do you hear them? They're going to shut down the factory in a week. It'll be nothing but a pile of scrap soon."
5. **“You're a pianist. It's your gift, your soul. If you're in a music, you're not in a place. Your life is music. If you don't play music, you're dead.”**
- **用法解析**:这句话强调了音乐对个体身份和存在感的重要性。它表达了一种对音乐的深厚情感和对生活的热爱。
- **例子**:The passionate musician, reflecting on his craft, says, "I am a pianist. My soul and gift are intertwined with music. When I play, I am not bound by physical places; my life is music."
6. **“The ocean is a book. Each day a new page. We spend our lives trying to read it. Sometimes we find what we are looking for, sometimes we find something else.”**
- **用法解析**:这句话通过类比,将大海比作一本书,强调了时间的流逝和探索的过程。它鼓励人们在生活的旅途中保持好奇心和探索精神。
- **例子**:The artist, inspired by nature, says, "The ocean is a book, each day a new chapter. I spend my life trying to interpret its language, sometimes finding inspiration, sometimes facing new challenges."
7. **“So you've decided to leave, eh? It's a curious decision, quite unlike you.”**
- **用法解析**:这句对话中的“好奇”表达了一种对角色行为的不解或惊讶。它展示了对他人行为背后动机的好奇和深入探究的欲望。
- **例子**:After months of indecision, the character finally makes a choice, and his friend, curious, questions, "So you've decided to leave, eh? That's quite unlike you, considering you've always been a homebody."
8. **“Perhaps the sea is the only place where the human race can come together, for everyone is平等 facing the same force. Only the sea can bring us together.”**
- **用法解析**:这句话探讨了人类与自然力量的共同体验,以及自然环境对人类团结的潜在促进作用。它突出了在面对自然力量时,人类普遍的平等感。
- **例子**:Exploring the ruins of an ancient civilization, the archaeologists notice, "Perhaps the sea was the only place where humans could unite, all equally facing the might of nature. It's in moments like this that we feel truly connected."
