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日期: 2024-09-28 分类: 句子素材 人气: 0

1. **《权力的游戏》(Game of Thrones)**:
- “Winter is coming.”(冬天就要来临。)
- “You know nothing, Jon Snow.”(你什么都不知道,琼恩·雪诺。)
2. **《绝命毒师》(Breaking Bad)**:
- “You either die a little every day, or a lot one day.”(要么每天死一点点,要么某天一次性死个精光。)
3. **《老友记》(Friends)**:
- “Could I be any more obvious?”(我还能更明显吗?)
4. **《行尸走肉》(The Walking Dead)**:
- “We're not going to survive on our own. We're going to need each other.”(我们不能各自为战,我们需要彼此。)
5. **《纸牌屋》(House of Cards)**:
- “All politics is local.”(所有政治都是地方性的。)
6. **《黑镜》(Black Mirror)**:
- “We are the products of our decisions.”(我们是自己选择的产物。)
7. **《福尔摩斯》(Sherlock)**:
- “Elementary, my dear Watson.”(基本常识,华生。)
8. **《了不起的麦瑟尔夫人》(The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel)**:
- “You know how you can’t make someone love you, or even like you? That’s how I feel about comedy.”(你明白没法让某人爱你或者喜欢你吗?我就是这种感觉对待喜剧的。)
9. **《冰血暴》(Fargo)**:
- “You know, there are no coincidences in life, Lorne. We all have a purpose.”(你知道,在生活中没有巧合,洛恩。我们都有自己的目的。)
10. **《黑袍纠察队》(Peacemaker)**:
- “I'm just a soldier. Trying to do the right thing.”(我只是一个士兵,试图做正确的事情。)

1. **《权力的游戏》(Game of Thrones)**:
- 经典台词:"Winter is coming."
- **创作例子**:随着北境的冰风谷传来日益强烈的风声,艾德·史塔克沉思道:“Winter is coming. The time for talk and planning is over. We must prepare for the cold.”

- 经典台词:"You know nothing, Jon Snow."
- **创作例子**:在一个阴雨连绵的夜晚,艾莉亚对马王费林说:“You know nothing, Joffrey. You think you’re a master of games, but true power lies in making decisions that affect lives. And you’ve never made a decision that actually mattered. You’re just a puppet on the stage of my father’s story.”

2. **《绝命毒师》(Breaking Bad)**:
- 经典台词:"You either die a little every day, or a lot one day."
- **创作例子**:沃尔特·怀特在面对杰西和霍华德的冲突时,深沉地说道:“Every day, we have to decide where we stand. Either we continue living our lives as if nothing has changed, or we make a conscious choice to accept the reality and move forward. The alternative is to wake up one day and find that you’ve lost everything. You either die a little every day, or a lot one day.”

3. **《老友记》(Friends)**:
- 经典台词:"Could I be any more obvious?"
- **创作例子**:瑞秋不小心把前男友鲍比的信件带到了公寓,杰森问:“Rachel, have you been trying to hide something from us? Could I be any more obvious that you still have feelings for Bobbie?”

- 经典台词:"I'll be back."
- **创作例子**:罗斯在和莫妮卡分手后,表示:“I’ll be back. Just because we’re no longer together doesn’t mean I’ll disappear. I’ll come back, and maybe we can find a way to coexist and maybe even get along.”

4. **《行尸走肉》(The Walking Dead)**:
- 经典台词:"We're not going to survive on our own. We're going to need each other."
- **创作例子**:在一次团队会议中,瑞克坚定地对大家说:“We're stronger together than we are apart. We need each other to survive. We need each other to make it through this nightmare.”

5. **《纸牌屋》(House of Cards)**:
- 经典台词:"All politics is local."
- **创作例子**:弗兰克·朗达在一次政治策略会议上强调:“You can't win the national election without winning the local races. Politics is all about understanding and influencing the people who can make the difference. All politics is local.”

