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拜 伦  春 逝  原 文

拜伦 春逝 原文

日期: 2024-08-05 分类: 句子素材 人气: 0

乔治·戈登·拜伦爵士的《春逝》(Ode to the West Wind)是一首富有激情与深沉哲理的长诗。以下是《春逝》的英文原文:
O West Wind, if winter comes,
Can Spring be far behind?
Thou art a Pestilence, a desolation,
A spirit of tumult and of violence,
To the toiling, to the weary, to the heavy-laden;
To the slumberer, the deep slumberer,
With seeds of spring within his bosom;
Thy breath is his awakening,
And his solace, when with his drowsy vision
He is outlaid upon the damp, the sodden earth.
Thou flingest up the trees, and the daffodils lie in heaps,
Like heaps of shells, where a mighty sea has ebbed.
Thy wild uproar is the rude alarm of spring.
Spring, thou art everywhere:
In the night of the year,
In the heart of the year,
In the year's extremest part.
Thou visitest all the trees:
Thou solvest their bark:
The insect tribes with eager flutter fly
From their dark prison to the light of day.
The snowdrops first look up in fear:
They are of a timorous nature;
They tremble in the winds that whisper of the spring:
They are the harbingers of spring:
The tender grass and all that lives
Have in them an instinct of delight in thee.
Thou becalmest the stormy soul of man,
With all its noisy passions and its restless thoughts:
Thou dost restore to the weary heart its own repose.
Oh, Spirit of the West, who o'er the boundless waters
Hast the wings of swift longings, and canst bear us,
With longed-for hopes, to worlds of beauty and of power!
O, wing me to a land where balm can soothe my heart,
Where beauty is the sceptre, and its power
Takes away from life the fear of death, and gives to death
A hope of something better than life.

这首诗是英国诗人乔治·戈登·拜伦(Lord Byron)创作的一首以“西风”为主题的颂歌。诗中的意象丰富,从自然界的景象到人类的情感和心灵状态,贯穿了生命、死亡、希望和恐惧的主题。以下是一些句子的用法示例:
### 句子用法示例:
#### “O West Wind, if winter comes, Can Spring be far behind?”
#### “Thou flingest up the trees, and the daffodils lie in heaps, Like heaps of shells, where a mighty sea has ebbed.”
#### “Thou becalmest the stormy soul of man, With all its noisy passions and its restless thoughts: Thou dost restore to the weary heart its own repose.”
#### “O, wing me to a land where balm can soothe my heart, Where beauty is the sceptre, and its power Takes away from life the fear of death, and gives to death A hope of something better than life.”
